How Our Service Works

Sign Up & Preparation Steps

What You Do


Sign Up & Schedule Your Meeting

Go through our secure checkout process and then schedule your meeting time on our calendar. Our team is notified of your meeting time.


Follow the Preparation Steps Email

After you complete checkout, we email you Preparation Steps. There are a few simple steps to do so you’re prepared for our meeting.

What We Do


We Prepare a New SIM Card

We prepare a brand new SIM card for you from our collection.We label it with your Client Info (first name + signup date).

At the Meeting Time

What You Do


You Message Us on the Live Chat

At your scehduled time, it’s your responsibility to go to our website - - & message our live chat.


Send an SMS Code from Tinder Mobile

Inside the Tinder mobile website, you’ll send the phone number we provided a SMS text code.


Enter the Code & Create Your New Tinder

You type the SMS code into Tinder, and from there you are able to set up your new Tinder account (add NEW photos, write bio, etc).

What We Do


We Tell You the SIM Card Phone #

We’ll share a Phone # with you. We use brand new SIM cards.


We Tell You the SMS Code

We receive the SMS code to the phone number, and we reply quickly telling you the SMS code in the live chat.

How Our Service Works

Sign Up & Preparation Steps

What You Do


Sign Up & Schedule Your Meeting

Go through our secure checkout process and then schedule your meeting time on our calendar. Our team is notified of your meeting time.

What We Do


We Prepare a New SIM Card

We prepare a brand new SIM card for you from our collection. We label it with your Client Info (first name + signup date).

What You Do


Follow the Preparation Steps Email

After you complete checkout, we email you Preparation Steps. There are a few simple steps to do so you’re prepared for our meeting.

At the Meeting Time

What You Do


You Message Us on the Live Chat

At your scehduled time, it’s your responsibility to go to our website - - & message our live chat.



We Tell You the SIM Card Phone #

We’ll share a Phone # with you. We use brand new SIM cards.

What You Do


Send an SMS Code from Tinder Mobile

Inside the Tinder mobile website, you’ll send the phone number we provided a SMS text code.



We Tell You the SMS Code

We receive the SMS code to the phone number, and we reply quickly telling you the SMS code in the live chat.

What You Do


Enter the Code & Create Your New Tinder

You type the SMS code into Tinder, and from there you are able to set up your new Tinder account (add NEW photos, write bio, etc).

Satisfied Clients

Yes, this method actually works!

Get Your New Tinder

We get you setup within 24 hours

New Tinder Setup: Only $67


Email us at [email protected]

Start Swiping Again

Get Back on Tinder in 24 hours

New Tinder Setup: Only $67